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Curb is a one stop web app that allows for a centralized way for both food trucks and consumers to reach each other. For people with dietary restrictions, picky eaters, or those who just want to know what’s around them, Curb can quickly help them find a solution by showing which food trucks are nearby, in addition to specific dietary information for each truck. This application is beneficial for food trucks and consumers alike as it garners attention from consumers, while helping consumers find where they want to go.

Our target audience is young professionals aged 22-34 in medium to large sized cities. NACS, an international trade association, explains that millennials are driving the food truck trend due to the convenience and diversity of foods that these trucks provide. Additionally, in November 2014, Statista cited that 56% of users who purchased a meal from a food truck in America are between 18-34 years old, the defined millenial age range. The fast and easy nature of food trucks are optimal for millennials, especially those who are looking to quickly find a meal during their short lunch break. An article from the US Chamber Association regarding this study explained that larger cities and those with a more “educated and diverse workforce” are more likely to have a larger food truck market. Connecting young professionals with these food trucks – which are often fast options– benefits young professionals by connecting them to fast, trendy, and delicious lunches that can satisfy any craving or dietary restrictions.
Michael Keane
Michael Keane

Visual Designer, Creative Lead

    Conley Ernst
    Conley Ernst

    Technical Lead

      Michelle Bushoy
      Michelle Bushoy

      Marketing Lead

        Carolyn Zelicof
        Carolyn Zelicof

        UI/UX Lead